Sunday 17th November 11.30am - 1.30pm $50
Bookings essential via Eventbrite or contact Clare 0447617619
We are hosting a once in a life time opportunity to experience a traditional women’s yarning circle & smoking ceremony, with Aunty Miliwanga from Central Arnhem Land.
She is only here for an extremely limited time hence the very short notice, but please tell our your sisters, every woman you know, this is the healing we need.
Last night at the Women in Business meeting I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Aunty Milliwanga, hosted by her daughter in law, Brooke Emery. There are no such thing as coincidences, we were definitely supposed to meet last night.
I would have been leaving this week for a nature connection retreat in the Hunter Valley, but because of the devastating, cataphoric fires, we had to cancel last minute. As fate would have it, I’m here this weekend. I am experiencing massive grief and fear about the situation of the fires here in NSW. At the same time I’m so honoured and humbled to host Aunty Miliwanga at Soul Tribe Studio this Sunday.
Aunty will be holding a traditional women’s yarning circle at Soul Tribe Studio, 57 Beach Road, Catalina. This includes an outdoor smoking ceremony, storytelling and healing energy work. A light lunch of damper and and traditional food is also provided.
Aunty Miliwanga has travelled extensively throughout Australia, Peru, Chile, USA and Bali over the last few decades sharing her healing work. We are absolutely thrilled to welcome her to Batemans Bay. She is a traditional healer and herbalist from the Mirratja Clam family Bamdubu. Her language is Rembarrjih, her tribe is the Rembarrijh. She’s originally from Arnhem Land and now lives in Katherine.
She regularly travels overseas and throughout Australia, sharing her healing workshops at conferences and indigenous cultural festivals, including South Dakota, Peru, Chile, Bali.