Sister Seekers are seeking to encourage and support women and girls to feel at home in their own minds and bodies. In a world that is more connected than ever before, why is it that we feel more disconnected than ever? Why do we often find our minds in loops of comparison and negativity?
Our Coming Home workshop hones in on the unrealistic expectations society places on women and girls and how this impacts risk taking, our ability to have fun and let go, and living an authentic and unapologetic life. Through the power of sisterhood we aim to have deep discussions, encouraging reflection and action, and provide a space to get real and vulnerable in order to step into your womanhood and live the life you desire, ultimately getting free. We want to provide you with the tools to change your thought patterns so that you can fully and wholly believe this and live this as your reality.
“Women are created to be together, to collaborate, to support each other, and to be a sacred community. The magic of sisterhood fills the longing for authenticity, deep connection and the expression of our wildness that was expressed so freely in ancient times.” Azriel ReShel, ‘Reviving the Ancient Sisterhood’.
Join us at our workshop for women and girls where can get real, get vulnerable and get free, coming back to enjoying life and living without fear and limitations.