Spring equinox

Yesterday marked the Spring Equinox. At an equinox, a Latin word meaning “equal night”, the length of day and night are the same. Each equinox brings a change in season. Here in the southern hemisphere, the September equinox means the start of spring. The March equinox heralds the start of autumn. In the northern hemisphere, the seasons are reversed.

Spring is a time of renewal. Can't you just feel it? The air is rich with the energy of joy, clarity and LIFE everywhere I turn. Yesterday I cycled to Moruya SAGEmarkets on my new e-bike. I now get all my fresh produce from SAGE, so I eat with the seasons. It brings me so much joy to see, taste, smell and experience the winter veggies transitioning into Spring produce.

These markets are hands down the best I have ever been to. The growers are all local, the quality is amazing and the prices are so reasonable. Way cheaper than the supermarket! Financial cost aside, there are minimal food miles, no toxic chemicals, and they taste amazing! They also stay fresh for so much longer. SAGE also deliver, so if you're time poor you can place an order and they'll deliver to your door.

I didn't mean to go on a rant about organic vegetables but here we are! And I'm leaving this in, because I feel so much more vibrant, happy & healthy because of these vegetables. Huge gratitude to all the growers out there, working so hard to keep us fed!

Spring is a time for shedding. This morning when I arrived at the studio I instinctively started clearing. In half an hour I'd donated, sold, re-purposed, or re-homed all the 'stuff' that had been taking up space, shoved in cupboards, stacked under sinks, and dumped under the studio desk (what a journey that was!).

I didn't plan this. I actually dislike planning and try to do it as little as possible. I've found when I plan I get stuck. When I allow myself to follow my instincts, I'm in flow. I'm not a naturally tidy and organised person, or I didn't think I was (that's a story I'm shedding!), but it felt SO DAMN GOOD to do.

I invite you to choose an area of your living space or office (maybe that 3rd drawer down in the kitchen!!) and re-purpose, donate, recycle whatever you don't need.

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't affect you! All that clutter has a profound effect on our mental/emotional health. When your environment is clean and simple, your mind will find it easier to be still. Don't take my word for it, do it and see what happens.

Shedding stories

As well as cleaning your physical space, I invite you to clean out your mental/emotional/energetic field. Have a look at your mind. Do this by closing your eyes and looking directly at the thoughts that arise. Don't judge them, don't follow them, just watch them drift in and out. Ask yourself what the themes of your thoughts are?Do they have emotional responses? How do they make you feel?

You have a choice. To believe your thoughts or not. It really is that simple. When you notice yourself thinking or saying 'oh, I'm terrible at singing' or any other statement or belief, question it. Ask well how often do I sing? Am I willing to let that story go? A re-framing might look like, 'I dont feel confident using my voice, however I know with practice my true voice will come through.'

You can re-frame any belief! The stories we tell ourselves are powerful. They literally define our reality. If you say or think 'I'm not good enough', that is the reality you will experience. If you're willing to let that story go, you can get out of your own way and see the truth and brilliance of who you really are, which is indefinable and powerful beyond measure. That 'not good enough' story isn't just damaging for you. It is damaging for everyone else as well. When you truly love, forgive and accept yourself in this moment just as you are, others will feel it, and they'll feel safe to love, forgive and accept THEMselves. Then we can all rise together, move past blame, judgement and fear and meet each other from this place of peace.

Shed the stories. Shed the clutter. Make way for the new! It will be more magical and wondrous than you could ever dream.

I love you!

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