Have you ever wondered what Ashtanga is? Have you looked at that 6:00 am time slot and thought I could do that before work, but what is it?
Maybe you’ve heard ‘it’s the intense yoga’ or ‘it’s really hard’ or ‘it’s only for super flexible, fit people’.
Well! I’m here to tell you, all those statements are incorrect.
Ashtanga Yoga is for everyone. Ashtanga is my own personal practice. I love the sequence because once you learn it, you have it forever. The sequence is always the same. I love it because it keeps me grounded. My life is often so full and varied that I like having one practice to do that doesn’t change. The primary series can be modified to suit all body types and levels of fitness.
There’s so much benefit in repeating the same postures every single day. Then you can go from wondering what’s coming next, to really immersing yourself in the meditative experience of practice.
In this workshop I will break down the different elements of Ashtanga yoga including:
- History & philosophy
- Ujjayi breath tutorial, why the breath is so important
- Energetics of ‘bandhas’ and how to use these subtle energy seals to create ease and lightness in the practice
- Detailed instruction on every asana (pose) in the Primary Series
- How to modify the sequence using props
- Meditation in practice and in every day life
You will also receive a print out of the primary series and tips on how to create a home practice.
The workshop will be approx 2 hours of movement (asana). I recommend at least 3 months yoga experience. Any questions call me on 0447 617 619
Investment - $59