Shooting Stars

‘If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.’ ~ Joseph Campbell

It’s natural to feel resistance and fear when embarking upon a new path. My life has shown me, time and time again, when I take a risk, when I step into the unknown, when I follow my heart, magic unfolds. 
It’s not always easy. Fear often arises. Fear is not bad. Fear is simply a call to action. If you feel fear about starting a new project, putting your creative work out there, speaking in front of a group, asking someone out, saying ‘I love you’ first, whatever it is, this is an opportunity to check in. 

Fear is a biological response to keep us safe. Our physiology doesn’t know the difference between a ‘real’ threat, for example stumbling across a poisonous snake, or a perceived threat, for example, the fear of rejection.

So it’s helpful to ask ’is my life in danger right now?’. If the answer is no, investigate further. What is the underlying fear behind this? In the example of speaking in front of a group there could be an underlying fear of being rejected by the group, not belonging, not fitting in. You may believe you’ll stumble over your words, or say ‘the wrong thing’, then you can ask, is this belief true? Instead of allowing fear to paralyse you, investigate it, lean into it, see the potency of it. Fear tends to arise before anything meaningful.

I remember when I left Sydney. I had a great career teaching yoga, a great friendship group, lived in a wonderful house, had a wonderful life, yet I knew I had to leave. I quit every teaching job I had, moved out of my house and gave away most of my possessions. I moved into my van and just started driving. I had no plan, not much money and no idea where to go.

People assume that bravery means not feeling fear. I disagree. People you consider courageous feel the fear but have the capacity to investigate it and do the thing anyway. 

When I realised the enormity of what I’d done, I felt huge waves of fear. Here I was, alone, living in my van with no security. 

But, of course, when I let go of everything, my life started to unfold in the most incredible way. So now I always check in, is this decision I’m making coming from a place of love or fear? Can I hold and investigate the fear and see it as a call to action?

When I feel scared I go outside, I drink in the stars and I remember, absolutely nothing is under my control. I am totally undefinable, i am everything and nothing at the same time. I come back to gratitude. Thank you to the great mystery! Imagine how boring life would be if we could see into the future! Thank you for carving our your own path. I see you. Together we rise.

Clare Lovelace